Beginning this Friday (4-24-2020) the State of Texas has approved “Retail to Go” shopping.
The following are the state guidelines.
All payments should be done over the phone or internet if possible, and contact should be minimized if remote payment is not available.
Purchased items should be delivered by the employee to the backseat or trunk of the customer’s vehicle whenever possible to minimize physical contact with the customer.
We are excited to see this new option and are hopeful that it helps small businesses out there like ours. Scrappin' Goodtime is a Destination. We consider our retail store a delightful bonus to our fabulous retreat. Our customers come from not only all parts of Texas, but all states and even some countries. Since the majority of our customers live outside our local area we need to define what "retail to go" will look like for us.
I have an online store which we started March 15th. Orders are coming in everyday and we are thrilled! This will remain the process for "retail to go" orders. Simply shop and pay online. If you are able to do local pickup at the store, we ask that you call ahead with a time frame so that we know you are waiting outside. We will be at the store Friday and Saturday from 10:00 am - 5 pm for PICKUP ONLY for orders placed online. We believe this is most cost effective due to our unique customer base and we will adjust hours and days as the need arises. We look forward to the day when we get back to Goodtiming' and open our doors with regular hours seven days a week.
Thank you for your continued support! Together we will see this through!
Retail to Go Tips
Order online
Indicate curbside pickup or economy shipping upon checkout
If curbside pickup please call 903-641-0855 and give your pickup time Friday/Saturday 10am - 5 pm