Hey Goodtimers! It's been almost two months since everything changed and we had to close the retreat doors temporarily. Great news! Starting in June, we will re-open the retreat. We are limiting it to 8 people at a time. This allows us to use safe social distancing practices. Four of our rooms will allow one person per room and our two larger rooms will allow two people with plenty of space between you. In the crop room, you will sit diagonally from each other allowing you to have two tables to yourself. By doing it this way, there will be space beside and behind you. Hand sanitizer and extra cleaning supplies will be available. We have also minimized the bedding so that all can be bleached in hot water without ruining the fabric.
All areas of the retreat area will be sanitized before your arrival. During your stay, you will be responsible for your own level of sanitizing. Remember, when you check into the retreat, it becomes your "home" during your stay. Therefore, we will not be interfering in your levels of social distancing, mask wearing, or sanitizing. We do ask that you consider practicing recommended protocols and to be aware and respect others needs to do so.
The retreat will go back to being open 7 days a week. Consider staying Monday - Wednesday for even more smaller groups and safer conditions.
We hope to open to full groups in July. We will make that decision as things progress. Thank you so much for your continued support and loyalty. Together we will get through this unprecedented time. We can. We will. We must.
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